Roy E. Plotnick, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Invertebrate Paleobiology and Paleontology, Ecology
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Building & Room:
2454 SES
845 West Taylor St.
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Multi-faceted scientist with interests in Invertebrate paleobiology, mathematical methods and models, Anthropocene ecological change, and science education and outreach. I use a wide range of analytical and experimental methods.
Research Areas:
Invertebrate paleontology, Paleobiomechanics, Taphonomy, Trace fossils, Landscape ecology, Macroevolutionary patterns, Earth science education
Selected Grants
National Science Foundation, Geopaths-Impacts: Establishing Partnerships to Recruit Geoscience Undergraduates from Urban Chicago, Co-Principal Investigator
Selected Publications
Plotnick, R. E., F. A. Smith, and S. K. Lyons. 2016. Fossil record of the Sixth Extinction. Ecology Letters. 19(5): 546-553.
Plotnick, R. E. 2017. Recurrent hierarchical patterns and the fractal distribution of fossil localities. Geology 45(4):295-298.
Wagner, P., R. E. Plotnick, and S. K. Lyons. 2018. Evidence for trait-based dominance in occupancy among fossil taxa and the decoupling of macroecological and macroevolutionary success. The American Naturalist 192(3): E120-E138.
Hsieh, S., Schassburger, A., and Plotnick, R. E. 2019. The modern and fossil record of farming behavior. Paleobiology. 45(3):395-404.
Plotnick, R. E., and P. Wagner. 2018. The greatest hits of all time: the histories of dominant genera in the fossil record. Paleobiology: https://doi.org/10.1017/pab.2018.15
Plotnick, R. E., and K. A. Koy. 2020. The Anthropocene fossil record of terrestrial mammals. Anthropocene 29:100233.
Pasterski, M. J., A. Bellagamba, S. Chancellor, A. Cunje, E. Dodd , K. Gefeke, S. Hsieh, A. Schassburger, A. Smith, W. Tucker, and R. E. Plotnick. 2020. Aquatic landscape change, extirpations, and introductions in the Chicago Region. Urban Ecosystems. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-020-01001-6
Hsieh, S., and R. E. Plotnick. 2020. The representation of animal behaviour in the fossil record. Animal Behaviour 169:65-80.
Plotnick, R. 2021. Devonian eurypterids from Indiana and Pennsylvania. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 33(2): 5-16.
Plotnick, R. 2022. Explorers of Deep Time: Paleontologists and the History of Life. Columbia University Press. New York. 334 pp.
Professional Leadership
Co-chair, Development Committee, Paleontological Society
Chair, Employment Committee, Paleontological Society
Notable Honors
2005-2008, Distinguished Lecturer, Paleontological Society
2012, Fellow, Paleontological Society
2013, Fellow, Geological Society of America
2017, Edward P Bass Distinguished Environmental Visiting Scholar, Yale Department of Geology and Geophysics
AB, 1976, Columbia University
MS, 1978, University of Rochester
PhD., 1983, University of Chicago